Susan Secrest Williams
Email address: swillable@aol Birthdate: 8/9/46 Family
Hobbies: Irish Dancing, learning to play violin and cycling with Bob Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? I'm sill in love with Bob! How are you different? Physically - probably like everyone else . Mentally I still feel 20ish. With the same goals - contribute to producing the best family I can. What is your proudest accomplishment? The family Where do you live? house in the country Parents: Father: living, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? It feels like such a short life. Maybe because my goals were so few. All I wanted was to be married to Bob and have a family which I have done. I am enjoying the fruits of my labor with my 2 children and my perfect most adorable 2 grandchildren. Bob and I have been in the area forever settleling on 5 acres in the Santa Cruz mountains in the late 70's and raising our children here. Bob became a General Contractor and I his trusty moneykeeper -opps bookkeeper. We are now retired. Gratitude has been one of my uplifting lesson of late. Last year my son broke his neck in a motorcycle accident - he is still my vibrante, active most handsome son returning to his U.P.S. job this fall. Truly a miracle and my heart is filled with gratitude. My daughter lives in GrassValley and it feels that she took half of Los Gatos with her, as so many of our friends have moved that way. I do miss my daily visits with the Grandchildren and Irish dancing with my Granddaughter, but very proud of my very ambitious outgoing daughter. Ask me at the reunion, I'll glow (boring you) for hours.
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