Skip Parker
Email address: bernadette_parker@hotmail.com Birthdate: 3/8/46 Family
Hobbies: Golf Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? Easy going and lovable. How are you different? A little heavier, but still loveable. What is your proudest accomplishment? Marrying Bernadette Marie Baima in 1990 Where do you live? house Parents: Father: living, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? In 1991 went into the retrofit window business with Jack Dalton, class of 1965. Was with Jack for 12 years, and Jack still has the business (Creative Window Company). Finally after 41 years, looked for a change of scenery and moved to Murrieta in 2002, (Southern California) to be closer to my folks in San Marcos and my wife's folks in Burbank. (sold HIGH and bought LOW!!) Retired for a "whole" 7 months, thinking that I could not get tired of playing golf...needed to be challenged, so went back to work in the window business. Was hired by Milgard Windows here in Temecula. Have been with them over 3 years now. Thank God for insurance, as I had blockage that required 14 stents during 3 separate procedures at Scripps, La Jolla. God bless Bob's Big Boy!! We live in a 55 and over new development that has 10 acres of facilities. Email me if you want to play golf. Looking forward to hearing from you......
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