Cassandra Pagonis Willis

Email address:

Birthdate:  9-10-46


Married?  yes  Married years?  18  Married times?  1

Children:   boy(s); girl(s); grandkid(s)

Personal/family website?


Company:  shear madness/oregon mountain real estate

Career/Job Title:  Real Estate Broker

Hobbies:  Watching the trees grow, exploring


How are you the same as you were at CHS?   Still love partying. Responsible.

How are you different? My hair is not ratted two feet high!!

What is your proudest accomplishment?  Living a wonderful country life on 72 acres in the country

Where do you live?  house in the country

Parents:  Father: living,  Mother: deceased

What have you been up to for the last 45 years?

Moved with my husband from the bay area 15 years to cave junction oregon. We bought a wonderful home on 72 acres with a half mile of year round creek frontage. Pine trees, deer, bear, and recently an amazing site, an elk. We are not remote but it's a small town. Doing real estate here and doing some traveling within our scenic country.


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