Ken Nelson
Email address: knnelson@aol.com Birthdate: 08/08/1946 Family
Hobbies: Travel, golf, gardening, wine, snorkeling, hiking, biking Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? Basically the same, still like to party and follow high school wrestling. How are you different? Mellowed a bit with age What is your proudest accomplishment? Where do you live? house in the city Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? I was married for 33 years to Dolores Franz (Margaret's little sister). She passed away 3 years ago, ovarian cancer. She was the love of my life. Curently, Bailey (my 2 year old Golden Retreiver) and I split time between homes in Pacific Grove and Danville (my grandchildren live nearby). I also love to travel and have been on the go the last couple of years – 2 trips to Europe and Canada and 3 to Hawaii. Trips to Tahiti, South America, Hawaii, Mexico, 2 cruises and numerous trips in the US. Planning a trips to Hawaii at Christmas, Africa next summer and probably back to Italy in the Fall. I was fortunate to retire early so Dolores and I got to spend 9 years, before her passing, traveling, golfing, and having a great marriage. Just prior to retiring I went to Harvard Business School for a 3 month intensive International Business degree where I met 135 other managers from around the world. Friends and contacts I will have forever in almost every imaginable country. Hope to see all at the reunion.
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