Christine Mooney DeLapp
Email address: c_delapp@msn.com Birthdate: 2-1-1946 Family
Hobbies: Hiking, birding, traveling, golf, and cooking Community: Docent at Seaclif state park, library, symphony volunteer How are you the same as you were at CHS? How are you different? What is your proudest accomplishment? Named as teacher of the year and performing marriages for my nephew and step-son. Where do you live? house in the country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 50 years? Had three careers in Campbell Union High School district over 37 years as a special education teacher, school psychologist and finally Director of Special Education. Was married and divorced. Have one son, Sean, 44 years old. Been in a relationship for thirty years. Retired in 2008 and became a minister and have performed 5 marriages and one memorial service. I love it. Travel, volunteering and golf fill much of my time now. Spend a lot of time in Oregon and Pismo Beach when I am not in Aptos walking the beach.
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