Guy McCullough
Email address: gmccullo@sbch.org Birthdate: 26-Apr-46 Family
Hobbies: Surfing, Tennis Community: Lompoc Coalition for Peace and Justice How are you the same as you were at CHS? I've always been optimistic and I don't let things get me down for long How are you different? I can better trust my thinking What is your proudest accomplishment? Bringing some stability and normacy to young peoples' lives Where do you live? condo Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? I went to San Jose State after graduation. I changed my Major from Mechanical Engineering to Behavioral Science--trading economic security for instant gratification. I transfered from SJSU to UC Santa Barbara(no I didn't burn down the Bank of America). During the early to mid seventies my Grandparents and my Mother all died and my Father developed a disabling brain tumor. As an only child it was a most challenging few years. Fortunately, I came across a Co-counseling program that helped me understand how intelligent, loving and joyful human beings can behave so abysmally. In the early eighties I began my present employment situation working in the computer room of the largest hospital between San Francisco and Los Angeles. I've been there now for twenty years and my three 12 hour day schedule allows me time to pursue other interests. During this time under President Reagan I became involved in the Santa Barbara Peace Resource Center and two Central American solidarity groups. Despite growing up during the Vietnam Era, I didn't really understand U.S. foreign policy until I saw its consequences up close and personal in Central America. Unfortunately, most people in this Country don't know what their Government does and this is a real problem for people in the rest of the world. I lived with a woman and her two daughters for seven years. This was both an intense and rewarding experience. In my naivete I felt like I had it made with two incomes and I fully expected to spend the rest of my life with her. Yet she had a history of moving on and she would leave me for another woman. Life is learning from a variety of experiences and it would take me a while to once more become a me and not a we. I'm still close with her daughters and they are now parents of their own children. It's a great time to be alive. Many people coming to this Reunion have expressed the special delight that they receive from being with their grandkids. When parents who already have a lot going for themselves give their full attention to their children; these kids are going to blossom into someone very special. They will exhibit an expanded consciousness and talents that we will all need to learn from if we are going to embrace a Future that may be unrecognizable is as little as ten years--such is the pace at which the Universe is revealing itself. Check out a website called www.disclosureproject.org
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