Patrick McAuliffe
Email address: Pgmcauliffe@yahoo.com Birthdate: 11/26/1946 Family
Hobbies: Old cars, travel Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? Still curious about the mechanical workings of things, and ignorent of the electrical workings. How are you different? What is your proudest accomplishment? My family Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 50 years? Married to Sally for 47 years, daughter Ryane a Phd from Uci is now a professor at College of St Rose in Albany, NY, son Kevin just received a Masters in Computer Science from U of Illinois, and lives in Austin, TX. Ryane has two children, our only grandkids. Worked at Westinghouse in Sunnyvale, then Northrop Grumman bought the facility. Continued to work there for a total of 47 years, and still contract with them on a part time basis.
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