Karen Mazepink Jellison
Email address: jellison@leaders.ccl.org Birthdate: 9/19/46 Family
Hobbies: Piano playing, visitng grandchildren Community: Right now -- none How are you the same as you were at CHS? My ambition keeps me moving from one challenge to another. I continue to be interested in the area of Leadership and have just joined the Center for Creative Leadership. The piano and music are still a major source of joy and peace for me. My brother David Mazepink lives close by and as in HS, we still share many interests and a great love for one another. How are you different? My outlook on life and spirituality has opened considerably. I love to dance, love all sorts of music, have done some studying of Buddhism and have been a member of Unitarian Church and now the Episcopal church. My son and my current husband are the two greatest joys in my life. My son was recently married and we adore his wife. My 3 stepchildren have 5 grandchildren among them and there is nothing more joyful than a visit with them. What is your proudest accomplishment? Taking a seven day raft and camping trip down the Colorado River. Where do you live? condo Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? In 2000, I married a wonderful man who has been an inspiration to me -- and the cause of a number of significant changes in my life. He is intelligent, thoughtful, physically active, a teacher in the University and Corporate worlds and just plain "fun" to be with. My son, JJ,is a constant joy to me. He has excelled in Water Polo, has traveled and lived abroad, has learned Russian and Italian, is now married to a wonderful woman and is coaching WP and earning his teaching credential. My career, since college, has spanned jobs in Commercial Real Estate, Residential Real Estate, a Music School for Children, a Second Career coaching business, a period of time in major gifts fund raising and the most years -- the happiest years -- in the field of Executive Development. While I still have a piano, I play infrequently. My networking with other women has always been significant to me.
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