Shirley Maxwell Owen
Email:showen6399@yahoo.com Birthdate:06/11/46 Family
Hobbies: Swimming, exercise, collecting pink flamingoes, rubber stamping, reading, traveling. Community: Volunteer at convalescent home and at art & wine festival How are you the same as you were at CHS? Still short,and a good speller. How are you different? Not as shy anymore; love to travel alone, love meeting new people. What is your proudest accomplishment? Having my son Where do you live? house Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? My job at the same company for 29 1/2 years, was outsourced to India in Feb. 2004. I'm looking for a part-time position currently, but plan to move to Grants Pass, Oregon next year.
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