Sam Martin
Email address: smartin@connectyx.com Birthdate: 11/3/46 Family
Hobbies: golf, travel, helping start-up companies Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? I still love fast cars and slow dancing. How are you different? At least now I know what I don't know. What is your proudest accomplishment? Earning the love of my wife and boys. Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Welcome from Palm City, Florida...which in the last 3 weeks was landfall for Hurricanes Frances and Jeanne. Most people don't get to see the eye of one Hurricane in their life...I've seen 2 this month. Don't want to see 3. About me after CHS I stumbled through as couple years of JC, then went into the Air Force. I survived tours in Turkey, Texas, and Viet Nam. The latter showed me the potential down-side of life...so I went back to school and earned a BS from SJS, and a MBA from CAL. Worked almost 30 years in Medical Products...including 4 companies where I was the CEO. Three of these were start ups...the largest now having $120M in sales. I retired December of last year...but still have investments in 3 other new Medical start-ups where I sit on their Boards. My sons are 28 and 25 now. My older son has worked in investment banking and finance since he graduated from Dartmouth, and just got married last fall. Our younger son went to College in Connecticut and works for a Medical Company not far from us in Florida. They both like to give me advice on a regular basis, and they're horrified that I often ignore it. They think I'm living proof of the Peter Principle (squared). My wonderful wife/partner and I have started to travel more now that I'm "retired". We have 6 trips planned for 2005...and for our 35th anniversary we are planning a trip to Australia. As Joe Walsh says "Life's been good to me so far." I hope the same for each of you.
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