Brad Lozares

Brad Lozares

Email address:

Birthdate:  11-2-1946


Married?  yes  Married years?  33  Married times?  

Children:  1 boy(s); 1 girl(s); 3 grandkid(s)

Personal/family website? none



Career/Job Title:  owner / Pga Director of Golf

No job:  

Company website:

Hobbies:  golf, swimming, walking, rodeo

Community:  East Palo Youth golf program

How are you the same as you were at CHS?   low key / try to do things right disciplined

How are you different? Maturity thru life experience

What is your proudest accomplishment?  Two children and a super golf business, spouse

Where do you live?  house

Parents:  Father: living,  Mother: living

What have you been up to for the last 40 years?

Athletic scholarship for golf at UCLA 1969 graduation from Ucla

1969 -1971 Substitute school teacher for Cupertino School district / Played tons of Amateur Golf.

1971 - 1974 turned professional and played in USA, Mexico, Canada, far east South Africa. club professional 1974 to now. PGA member since 1976. Head professional at Saratoga CC 1975 to 1982.

!982 to now— Owner of Brad Lozares Golf Shop and PGA director of golf at the Palo Alto Municipal Golf course. Live in the Waverly Park area in Mountain View - since 1982. Have a married daughter - now 3 grandkids. Son is also a golf professional and our director of instruction.

Yours truly, Brad


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