Michael Lightell
Email address: rivimike@aol.com Birthdate: 7/27/46 Family
Hobbies: hot rods Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? How are you different? What is your proudest accomplishment? wife, daughter, and grandson Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Was in Army as an MP 1966-1969. Lived in Boulder Creek (Santa Cruz mountains)for 5 yrs and our daughter was in girl scouts so I was an asst. girl scout leader. Moved to Oregon in 1978, still ironworking, and daughter joined 4H so I became a 4H leader. Ironwork got slow in Oregon, so moved back to bay area in early 80s. Lived in Sonoma for 5 years before moving to Rohnert Park (near Santa Rosa)where I still live. In 2003, I took an early retirement.
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