Nancy Landberg Anderson
Email address: nanderson@jtdschool.com Birthdate: 11/10/46 Family
Hobbies: Reading,traveling,exploring new resturant s and fine wine.Sports fan (Dodgers,UCLA and Lakers) Community: Last 2 years walked (not ran!)in 5k to raise money for Cancer Research How are you the same as you were at CHS? Still shy! How are you different? Although shy probably more self confident What is your proudest accomplishment? Raising 2 kind, caring boys Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: living, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Since graduating from CHS I attended UCLA and never came back!In the process became a lifelong UCLA basketball fan and picked up a husband and a B.A. and 2 Masters degrees.I worked in the Psychiatric Department there for many years. I am licensed as both an Ed.Psychologist and clinical social worker so I have also had a private practice. I now work at a private school overlooking the ocean with a view of Catalina!I can't imagine retiring!Traveled a lot before kids.My youngest just went away to college so I am adjusting(not well!)to that.
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