Bill Kidd
Email address: skidd3428@comcast.net Birthdate: Nov. 10, 1945 Family
Hobbies: tennis, outdoors, travel Community: animal wefare support, sports team sponsor etc How are you the same as you were at CHS? Totally different How are you different? Smart no longer stupid, accomplished no longer struggling, happy with the world What is your proudest accomplishment? wife, children, practice Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 50 years? Recovering from the horrible education I got at CHS initially then just very fortunate to have bumped into a super woman. From there worked hard, and we raised three boys. All 3 super collegiate athletes; all 3 very accomplished, 2 veterinarians. I still look forward to going to my practice every day and all that that entails. I'm truly grateful my kids live close and we can still be a pretty tight family. Yep, very lucky!
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