Gerald (Jerry) Kehr
Email address: kehr.gerald@yahoo.com Birthdate: 9/28/46 Family
Hobbies: Gardening and riding my "Fat Tire" bike Community: Food for the Homeless and Meals on Wheels How are you the same as you were at CHS? I still have not lost my smile... How are you different? I have a better appreciation of life. What is your proudest accomplishment? U.S. Presidential Management Fellow serving in Washington DC Where do you live? house in the country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 50 years? Soon after graduation I enlisted into the Army paratroopers. After jump school I was sent to Vietnam and served with the 173rd airborne. I earned my Combat Infantry Badge and other decorations; I also served in their combat supply unit. After leaving the Army I went to De Anza college and earned a AA and then went to SJS and earned a BA and MA. I owned a marketing research firm that did very well. I was able to retire early. I took up various forms of martial arts and while with the Aikido community was able to enter Russia during the mid 1980's and early 1990's. I was in Russia some five years. On one of my trips back to America I met my wife Heather; she also enjoys the martial arts. After many long walks we were married after only three months of meeting. We have been together for more than 20 years. We live a very peaceful life together. We moved from San Jose to WA state and went to school full time. Heather earned a BS in Political Science with a 4.00 gpa. I earned yet another Master's degree. With two Master's I was able to teach for the Navy. I was soon accepted by a small community college in GA. Heather attended GSU and earned a Master's degree in Public Administration with a 4.00 gpa. While teaching full time I was accepted into a doctorial program and after three years while working full time I earned a doctorate in education. Both Heather and I applied and were accepted into the U.S. Presidential Management Fellowship program in Washington DC. So off we went to DC. Heather was picked up by the Office of Personnel Managemet (OPM) and I was accepted by the U.S. Department of Education. After seven years I was allowed to retire early due to my miliary service. We moved to Loveland CO. Heather is allowed to work from our home in Loveland for OPM due to her remarkable skills. I am fully retired. We spend a lot of time in our large garden and share our food with the homeless and Meals on Wheels. I spend a good deal of time riding my "Fat Tire" bike in and around the many trails that weave through Loveland and do a great deal of fishing. Loveland is a town from out of another time; the 1950, and is just under the awesome Rockies. We have a quiet and happy life. I look forward to seeing and talking with you at our upcoming 50th reunion. I wish you all the very best... Jerry
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