Dennis Johnson
Email address: DennisRJohnson@Bellsouth.net Birthdate: 6/29/46 Family
Hobbies: Snow Skiing, Computers, Youth Baseball, Wood Working Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? Still honest, sincere, and a little bit of a loner. How are you different? As the years have increased, so has my confidence in having lived a worthwhile life. What is your proudest accomplishment? Watching my son grow into the young man my wife and I thought he could be. Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Joined the US Navy two weeks after graduation and served in San Diego, Ca. Pensacola, Fl. and Yokohama, Japan as a Communication Technician. While in Japan I learned to speak Japanese. Once back home I went to night school at DeAnza and Foothill and received an AA in whatever. Worked for Hewlett-Packard, Anderson-Jacobson and Trendata as a field service technician during that period. Next I moved to Portland, Oregon as Service Manager for an Office Machine company. After 3 years there I moved to Atlanta, Georgia and took a job with Wavetek repairing Audio Response Units east of the Mississippi for 9 years, and re-took my first two years of college at a local college, again in night school. At age 40, I finished my last two years of college at Georgia State University and obtained a B.A. in Information systems. After receiving my dergree I began my current career in Software with Bellsouth & Accenture and hope to retire in about 4 years. At various time during my life I have mentored young people, by teaching wood-working to coaching youth football and baseball. So far, I'm pleased with my life, and it's not over.
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