Shirean Jackson Duntsch
Email address: sduntsch@neteze.com Birthdate: 7-9-46 Family
Hobbies: reading, quilting, vacationing Community: substitute teaching How are you the same as you were at CHS? Loved kids, still do. Loved Les Duntsch, still do. Was blonde, still am (with help) How are you different? Older, wiser, heavier, maybe nicer? What is your proudest accomplishment? Graduating 3 children from college Where do you live? house in the country Parents: Father: living, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Les and I retired in 2003 after teaching for 30+ years each. We are timeshare junkies, but mostly like to use them in Tahoe and Oregon. We own too many rentals, so are retired from teaching, but work too hard on the houses we own...but they allowed us to retire at 57 and be able to do pretty much what we want to do. Our oldest, Brandon, has 6 kids...four of his own, then they adopted 2 special little girls, making his total 4 girls, 2 boys. Our daughter, Stephanie, has 3 daughters, 5,3 and 6 mos. Her husband is a golf instructor and is working on his masters in history. Our baby, Ryan, at 26 is newly graduated. Both sons work for Teichert Construction, a big company in Sacramento. Ryan has a girlfriend we are hoping will become his wife before too long. Webmaster's Note: Just before the reunion, Shirean was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her doctor gave her permission to attend the reunion, since she and Les had been looking forward to it so much. Shortly after she returned home, she went in for surgery, and then began her 24-session course of chemotherapy. She's been keeping us posted on her progress, and has agreed to share her "journal" on this website. Shirean's chemo journal
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