Linda Hudson Duncan
Email address: babyevansgrama@aol.com Birthdate: Feb 25, 1946 Family
Hobbies: Travel to be with hubby, and being Evans grama! Priceless Community: Spending time at skilled nursing home for alzheimers patients. How are you the same as you were at CHS? Try to always have a positive attitude, and LAUGH alot at life, and cherrish good friends. Be there when they need you. How are you different? After caring for my mom 24/7 4 out of 5 years now, my life will never be the same. Alzhemiers is a disease no family should have to experience. I have such love for all people. What is your proudest accomplishment? Being a wife, mother, and NOW GRAMA! YES Where do you live? in the country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Hi Everyone, can't wait to see you all Oct 16th. Since last reunion, I have been a caregiver to my mom 4 yrs out of past 5. Was a long and rough road going it alone with her care. After Russ got back from job in Italy 94-95, he has been working out of state, and comes home for a week-end every 2-3 weeks. Now that my mom has to be in skilled nursing home, I have been flying back and forth to MN,for 13 mos, and now just relocated to Illinios. I spent 3 weeks to get moved, and now home and getting ready for OUR BIG 40TH!!! Wow, where has time gone folks?? Russ will not be attending for 1st time, due to job, and will be flying home on Oct 22nd, and off to Hawaii for 3 weeks with our family for our 41st wedding anniversary, and a VERY special 1st birthday for our grandson, baby Evan James Duncan. He was born on our 40th aniversary, Nov 9th, 2003. No gift in the world could match that. God Bless, and Love to all. See you soon, lets TALK-TALK-TALK Ha.
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