Cheryle Heise Beehler
Email address: tippytron@aol.com Birthdate: 10-16-46 Family
Hobbies: computer, gardening, love decorating my home Community: member of board of directors at my development How are you the same as you were at CHS? easy going & basically always happy with my niche in life. How are you different? maybe a little smarter and more accepting of our differences. What is your proudest accomplishment? my son who is in the military. Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Not much my life is really uncomplicated. Married twice. Lived in southern Florida for 15 years. Now I'm back on the west coast, in Las Vegas, Nevada. From the tropics to the desert. I think I like the tropics the best.
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