Robert Hawkins
Email:hawk1945@juno.com Birthdate: 12-3-45 Family
Hobbies: Photography Community: Flint Rescue Mission, Riverbend nursing home (bible study), Genesys Hospital (mealtime companion) How are you the same as you were at CHS? Was extremely shy and didn't interact with people. Still a bit nervous around people. How are you different? I was very introverted but after becoming a Christian while in the Navy I am now doing a lot of things I wouldn't have believed I could do back then. I've led the church in worship several times doing everything but the sermon as well as leading bible studies and working with patients at the hospital, helping them with their meal if they are unable to feed themselves and delivering lunch trays. Even though I still get a bit nervous around people I don't let that stop me. My appearence has changed due to two major jaw surgeries (I used to be called bucky due to my really crooked teeth) because I was in denger of losing my teeth and wouldn't be able to wear dentures. I'm also bald although I don't consider it that big of deal except when I'm out in the sun. What is your proudest accomplishment? Where do you live? apartment Parents: Father: deceased; Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? I joined the Navy right out of school and served 4 years as a radioman. During that time I traveled around the Pacific on three ships and spent the last year a a half in the Philippines. After the Navy I hired in at the Buick complex at flint where I did several jobs, the best of which was 10 years as an engine repairman. I retired around 4 years ago but I am still active doing volunteer work and working at hobbies. I used to be an avid fisherman but have lost interest in it of late. I do still like to wander the woods and do nature photography, especially macro photograpy. I've never married but I have a lot of friends so I don't get lonely. I used to like to do a lot of traveling in this country and abroad but haven't done much of that as of late either. Still like to spend time at the airport; I've never lost my interests in planes. |
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