Cathy Hatt Dunbar
Email address: cdunbar64@yahoo.com Birthdate: 6-18-47 Family
Hobbies: Reading, Sewing, Gardening, Travel Community: Church work, teaching at Community College How are you the same as you were at CHS? I still love Spanish and French. I love singing, but my voice is shot. How are you different? I'm OLD! I'm not so silly. What is your proudest accomplishment? Raising 5 civilized children Where do you live? house in the country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? After raising a family (and being a soccer Mom) and teaching for 21 years, I just retired. We lived in Arizona for 38 years, and have just moved to Grants Pass, Oregon. I got to teach more than just languages, including English, choir, music, Public Speaking, and reading. My kids are great, and Janelle is a teacher!
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