Allen Gilbert
Email address: alsandi@caltel.com Birthdate: 1/7/47 Family
Hobbies: Carpentry, classic cars/car clubs, reading, horses, Grandkids (2 boys, 3 girls) Community: American Red Cross. Rapport Leadership Training. How are you the same as you were at CHS? No where close. How are you different? Older, fatter, balder, ornry. What is your proudest accomplishment? Married 38 years, to same wonderful woman. Where do you live? in the country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Went into the Navy (SeaBees) out of high school, in Viet Nam (Chu Lai 66-67). Got married, had 3 boys. Work for the same company for 36 years, Roofed for 25 years now retired, Fleet and Safety Director for the last 14 years. Built 2 homes in the country. Re-built a 63 1/2 Ford Falcon Sprint (my car) and enjoy showing it. Help support my Wife with our 3 horses (her horses). Love my Grandkids! Waiting to fully retire in 2 years.
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