Margaret Franz Ward
Email address: mward@mercyhs.org Birthdate: 1-7-46 Family
Hobbies: My fiance Community: Social justice issues How are you the same as you were at CHS? A lot of fun, still enthusiastic with a great sense of humor! How are you different? Oh my God! Where do I begin? What is your proudest accomplishment? I would have to say raising two fabulous boys. Joey, 28 and Mike, 26. Both in education Where do you live? house in the country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? I have worked with kids my entire adult life. After completing a BS then a Masters in counseling and educational psychology with a counseling credential in pupil personnel services, I went to work. My counseling career has covered elementary, middle school and most of my years in high school. I have been at Mercy College Prep High School in San Francisco for the last four years. All girls and uniforms . . . . I have died and gone to heaven. My focus today is completing my last three classes for a doctorate of ministry at U‚S and writing my disertation. I love to travel and have been to some wonderful countries including traveling the United States. I'm thinking about retirement these days (winding down) and possibly doing some chaplaincy work part-time in a hospital with a private practice in Spiritual Direction. but honestly . . . I'm not sure of anything in the future; who is? I have recently become engaged after being single for 13 years to a wonderful guy with the exact same job in another private school. I guess that's enough info for now. I'm looking forward to seeing high school friends and just appreciating being alive in these troubled times. Hey! Where's the spell check?
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