Renee Faust Irwin
Email: renee_19999@yahoo.com Birthdate:10/21/46 Family
Hobbies: Fishing - gardening, boring stuff like that!!! Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? How are you different? Not wild anymore, age has calmed me down. I am sure at this 40 year reunion I will look as old as the rest of you. I can not believe they are paying me NOT to work. Retirement is wonderful. What is your proudest accomplishment? My 2 boys, Greg 27 yrs, Tile Contractor; and Brad 26 yrs, Air Force serving in Korea. Graduated from SJSU Business Mgmt. Where do you live? house country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Just purchased my retirment home in Copperopolis, California. I will be coming home after working 30 years for the Feds - 20 of the last years spent in ~freezing~ Chicago, located at the Dept of Energy's Argonne National Lab (Sort of like Livermore Lab.) My new address is 971 Feather Dr. Box 111, Copperopolis, CA 95228. It is so~ rural that mail is not delivered to the street addresses, only to Box numbers. Go figure there remains such a place in Cally! Have a boat and 6 lakes near by, anyone want to fish drop me a line. Everyone take care Renee Faust - Irwin
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