Pat Engelhardt Hartley
Email address: phartley46@yahoo.com Birthdate: 11/27/46 Family
Hobbies: Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? How are you different? I'm much mellower. I take life as it comes and I see things much more positively. I'm also having much more fun than I ever did when I was young. What is your proudest accomplishment? Where do you live? apartment in the city Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? After graduating from college I returned to our school district to teach at Lynbrook High School for over 30 years. I finished out my career as a full time advisor for new teachers in the district. During that time I married and raised two great children. When I retired I decided to move to New York City for a one year adventure. That one year stretched into two and I have now decided that I am here to stay. I live in an apartment in Manhattan and I love it!!
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