Patricia Emery McCabe
Email address: patcma1996@yahoo.com Birthdate: Family
Hobbies: Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? How are you different? What is your proudest accomplishment? rode my own motorcycle from Salinas, CA to Washington DC and back. Loads of fun and lots of excitement. Where do you live? house in the country Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 50 years? I retired, and to keep my sanity, I work for H&R Block as a tax preparer. This keeps my mind active, and working with people is very rewarding. To stay current I take classes. In the off season I prepare tax returns for late filers. I also spend time working on the property and keeping in touch with my son. Since my son has two cats, I call them my grandkitties. I sold my motorcycle but have many memories of the 20 years and 120,000 miles I rode.
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