Vaughn Daddow Emett
Email address: vemett@utah.gov Birthdate: 10-2-46 Family
Job Hobbies: Art - watercolor, pencil, acrylic, etc. Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? Nobody really changes their basic personality traits, so in that way I'm the same. I am very interested in people, but not gregarious. Mostly quiet, but enjoy being around friends. How are you different? I eventually became a pretty good student. What is your proudest accomplishment? Being a good husband & father for the past 30 years. Where do you live? house Parents: Father: deceased; Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? After high school I spent a couple of aimless years at Foothill JC. With the draft board hot on my tail, I joined the Army and became a microwave radio technician. I spent two not-so-hard years in Viet Nam. But that changed me for good, because that's where I discovered a dimension of life some people call spirituality. I served a two-year mission for my church when I got back. I then attended BYU for five years. While there I met and married my sweetheart, Beverly. I earned a bachelor and master's degree in Accounting, became a CPA, and have worked for the State of Utah for most of my career.
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