Robin Burkey Pestarino
Email address: rpestarino46@hotmail.com Birthdate:22 April 46 Family
Hobbies: hiking, skiing, flying, horseback riding Community: University Women, 4 chambers of commerce, chamber Ambassador How are you the same as you were at CHS? I'm still learning. How are you different? I know more than I did. What is your proudest accomplishment? My family and company. Where do you live? house city Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: living What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Basically, growing this company. I crew with a group here, hike, snowshoe, etc. whenever I have free time. The airline I flew with for 12 years as an international flight attendant will be having a reunion this fall and I hope to go. They are a great group of folks and I love to see them. My son is in the business as Executive Vice President after spending 5 years in the US Army with the 101st in intelligence and finance. My husband has retired from law and real estate and is in the company as CEO. My daughter just received her MBA in finance and will be a huge asset when she joins us in August as President - I'm moving positions to VP Marketing and can't wait. This is the children's company and only 1 1/2 years old. We hope to hire more employees and my husband and I will retire again. My mother visits for several months at a time and we are looking forward to her next visit in September. We seem to have a quiet life but busy. We moved to Anacortes, Washington 4 years ago and have enjoyed it very much. I miss Texas and my friends there but we keep in touch. I looking forward to visiting with everyone at the reunion! Hope all of you are doing well.
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