Cliff Buikema
Email address: cliffrae@q.com Birthdate: Family
Hobbies: Running, biking, sailing, dog agility Community: Volunteer at "soup kitchen", County advisory committee, church choir How are you the same as you were at CHS? still alive, still swimming, still introverted How are you different? not so skinny, but working on it. What is your proudest accomplishment? Happily married for 19 years Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 50 years? After Cupertino, got BA from Middlebury College and M. Arch. from Berkeley. Moved to Minnesota for work, been here ever since, a great place but too f***** cold in winter. Raised 3 wonderful kids who all live nearby and now 4 grandkids. Worked as an architect for 40 years, specializing in "justice" projects. Formally retired last year, but hoping to keep my hand in with small projects for friends and family. I'm married to a wonderful woman named Rae; we've traveled together to many (mostly warmer) places
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