Ruth Brown Ailes
Email address: mrsrailes@aol.com Birthdate:7-19-46 Family
Hobbies: Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? Still short, still patriotic, still love to read& study, still like to smooch in a car, still like to wear flats, cardigan sweaters and black eye-liner, still like Cupertino although it is hard to recognize! How are you different? Gotten older, rounder, wiser, maybe shorter! What is your proudest accomplishment? Raising three terrific children Where do you live? house in the city Parents: Father: living; Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? Well, to be honest, except for a few creaks in the morning when I rise to face each day, I really don't feel all that much different than I did when I was 16 and a student at CHS! Wow, cannot believe it has been 40 years. Must admit, I've been very blessed, and I thank God every day to be living in this country. Even though world travel has been one of those wonderful blessings in my life, Carson City, Nevada, USA, is a great place to come home to. Graduated from CHS, then graduated from UC Bezerkley, got married, taught school in Livermore, had my daughter Erin, got divorced, met Gary, the love of my life, moved to Carson City, Nevada, got married, had sons Andrew & Daniel, stayed at home to raise children and become involved in community, when kids old enough worked as a graphic designer for a printing company, went back to school to earn masters in school counseling, got a position as high school counselor at a local high school (am I crazy, or what?), recently resigned to do research for our new company which offers banking products, Gary still a veterinarian in his practice here, Erin living in Campbell, single, doing computer stuff, son Drew an engineer for Mark Thomas and his wife Jana a dietitian at O'Conner's and baby daughter Brenna (yes, we're grandparents - ain't it grand?) live in San Jose just blocks from CHS, son Dan, single, attending the University of Nevada, Reno, majoring in International Business . . . Guess that's enough for the first 40 years! Had some heartaches, some troubles, many challenges, many glistening, golden moments, miss my mom, have very few complaints, am grateful. Hope a prior committment in Washington D.C. sometime in October does not conflict with with this reunion, because I am so looking forward to seeing all of you on October 16th! With Love,
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