Helen Broekhof Miller
Email address: vonnekem@hotmail.com Birthdate: 5-7-46 Family
Job Hobbies: golf/ art Community: How are you the same as you were at CHS? Still try to be artistic...still horrible in math...but still have a sense of humor! How are you different? I'm much more confident and comfortable with who I am. What is your proudest accomplishment? Disney Teacher of the Year / Intel's Innovation in Teaching Award / Charles Schwab Teach Each Award Where do you live? house Parents: Father: deceased; Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 45 years? My husband Richard and I are the proud parents of three...Janna 27, graduate of SJSU...Doug 25, graduate of Columbia University...Juliana 23, Senior at St. Mary's Collenge. I've just finished my 34th year of teaching Science at the middle school. We moved to Eagle Ridge where I spend my spare time jumping on the golf course trying not to embarrass myself. I plan to retire in a few years and teach at the university level training teachers.
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