Adrienne Borland Hastings
Email address: aehastings@verizon.net Birthdate: 5/13/46 Family
Hobbies: gardening, reading, old movies Community: Church, Band Boosters, Job's Daughters How are you the same as you were at CHS? I had to overcome moving twice before Cupertino HS in my Junior year. I found some good friends, and still know them. I love the Santa Clara Valley...it has good memories How are you different? I have a family, a son and daughter, and a husband..and I study religion a lot What is your proudest accomplishment? 3 years as Second Reader in a CS Church Where do you live? house in the suburbs Parents: Father: deceased, Mother: deceased What have you been up to for the last 50 years? I married my husband, Lee in 1969 and we moved to Bellflower, CA. He worked for the VA. We had a daughter, Lisa in 1970 and then we were transferred to Roseburg, Oregon in 1971. Another child came along, our son Robert that year. We loved Oregon, and had many grand adventures camping, fishing, and just loving the small town life. It was much changed over California living. Made many friends there, was involved in my church and the pre school co-op, then transferred again to Hillsboro, Oregon in 1978. My husband worked at the Portland VA. We all loved the Portland area. Perhaps should have stayed there. However, Lee was again transferred to Loma Linda, CA, VA Hospital in 1981.
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